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Records of the Papal Right of Spoil, 1316-1412
(Paris: Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes - Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, 1974).
some reviews: by Charles Samaran, Journal des Savants (1976): 2: 151-152; by Michel Hayez, Biblioth�que de l'Ecole des Chartes 134 (1976): 210-211; by Jules Verger, Bulletin d'Human�isme et Renaissance 38 (1976): 181-182.

Biblioth�ques eccl�siastiques au temps de la papaut� d'Avignon
I: I. Inventaires de biblioth�ques et mentions de livres dans les Archives du Vatican (1287-1420) -R�pertoire; II. Inventaires de pr�lats et de clercs non fran�ais -Edition (Paris: Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes - Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, 1980).
some reviews: by Walter Ullmann, Nottingham Medieval Studies 25 (1981): 84-88; by Gero Dolezalek, Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung f�r Rechtsgechichte 98 (l981): 410-411; by Bernard Guen�e, Annales: Economies, Soci�t�s, Civilisations 37 (1982): 516-519.

(editor) The Black Death: The Impact of the Fourteenth-Century Plague
(Papers of the 11th Annual Conference of CEMERS) (Binghamton, NY, 1982).
some reviews: by Heinrich Schipperges, Zeitschrift f�r romanische Philologie 100 (1984) 582; by Christian Dury, Moyen Age 95 (1989) 367-8; by Guenter B. Risse, History of Philosophy of the Life Sciences 9 (1987) 352-3.

Legal Terminology: An Historical Guide to the Technical Language of Law
(Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, 1986).

The Right of Spoil of the Popes of Avignon 1316-1415.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 78, Pt. 6 (Philadel-phia: 1988).
some reviews: by Jacques Paul, Revue d'histoire de l'Eglise de France 78 (1992) 178-9; by John E. Weakland, Catholic Historical Review 76 (1990) 355-6; by M. Maillard-Luypaert, Revue d'histoire �ccl�siastique (1991) 514-6.

Calendar of the Letters of Arnaud Aubert, Camerarius Apostolicus (1361-1371)
(Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1992).
some reviews: by Joseph Kicklighter, Speculum 69 (1994) 583-5; by Arnold Esch, Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 73 (1993) 773-4; by Edouard Bouy�, Biblioth�que de l'Ecole des Chartes 152 (1994) 546-8.

Early Provenances of Latin Manuscripts of the Vatican Library: Vaticani Latini and Borghesiani (with Karen Corsano).
Studi e testi 405 (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 2002).

Letters of Pierre de Cros, Chamberlain to Pope Gregory XI (1371-1378).
Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 356 (Tempe, Arizona, 2009).


"Memoranda and Sermons of Etienne Aubert (Innocent VI) as Bishop (1338-1341),"
Mediaeval Studies 37 (1975): 7-41.

"A Liber Sextus from the Bonifacian Library: Vatican Borghese 7,"
Bulletin of Medieval Canon Law 7 (1977): 103-108.

"Letters of Etienne Cambarou, Camerarius Apostolicus (1347-1361),"
Archivum Historiae Pontificiae 15 (1977): 195-215.

"Dictio probatoria as Fingerprint: Computer Discovery of Manuscript Provenances," with programmer Marguerita Dziedzic,
Computers and the Humanities 12 (1978): 89-92.

"The Camerary and the Schism,"
Gen�se et d�buts du Grand Schisme d'Occident (Avignon, 25-28 septembre 1978) (Colloques internationaux du CNRS, no. 586, 1980), 65-71.

"Archives" and "Schools, Grammar"
Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. Joseph R. Strayer (12 vols.; New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1982- ): 1 (1982) 445-449 and 11 (1988) 63-64.

"Translating Medieval Latin,"
Translation Perspectives: Selected Papers, 1982-83, ed. Marilyn Gaddis Rose (Binghamton, NY, 1984), 57-62.

"Summary Justice in the Avignonese Camera,"
Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Medieval Canon Law (Berkeley, California, July 1980), ed. Stephan Kuttner; Monumenta Iuris Canonici, Series C: Subsidia, vol. 7 (1985): 437-449.

"An Index of dictiones probatoriae,"
Scriptorium 39 (1985): 158-159.

�The First Quire of the Codex Amiatinus and the Institutiones of Cassiodorus" by Karen Corsano,
Scriptorium 41 (1987) 3-34.

"The Library of S. Victor de Marseille, 1374,"
A Distinct Voice: Medieval Studies in Honor of Leonard E. Boyle, O. P., ed. Jaqueline Brown and William P. Stoneman (Notre Dame, Indiana, 1997), pp. 231-249.

"A Sad Moment for Official Rhetoric,"
General Linguistics 35 (1995): A Special Volume dedicated to Saul Levin, pp. 177-180.

"Tracing Provenances by dictio probatoria" (with Karen Corsano),
Scriptorium 53 (1999) 124-145.

"Some Additional Provenances of Cambridge Latin Manuscripts,"
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 11 (1999) 427-448.

�Medieval Latin Manuscripts in Scotland: Some Provenances� (with Karen Corsano),
Transactions of the Edinburgh Bibliographical Society 6,5 (2002) 178-190.

�Les Statutes de la Cour Temporelle d�Avignon en 1375� (with Karen Corsano and Anne-Marie Hayez),
M�moires de l�Acad�mie de Vaucluse 8. s�rie, 8 (1999) 9-27.

�The Interdict of Florence (31 March 1376): New Documents" (with Karen Corsano),
Rivista di Storia della Chiesa in Italia 56 (2002) 427-481.

�Guglielmites� and �Periculoso�
Women in the Middle Ages, eds. Katharina M. Wilson and Nadia Margolis (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2004) 1, 383-384 and 2, 749-750.

�Schism within the Curia: The Twin Papal Elections of 1378,�
Journal of Ecclesiastical History 59 (2008) 29-47.

Fifty articles in Robert C. Bjork, ed., The Oxford History of the Middle Ages
(Oxford UP, 2010).

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