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Published Sources
Aubert = Daniel Williman, Calendar of the Letters of Arnaud Aubert, Camerarius Apostolicus (1361-1371) (Toronto, 1992).
Berthe=Berthe, Pierre-Marie. Les Procureurs français à la Cour pontificale d’Avignon (1309-1376). Mémoires et documents de l’École des Chartes, 96. Paris: École nationale des chartes, 2014.
Bliss=Bliss, William Henry and Jessie Alfred Twemlow, eds. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland, Papal Letters vol. IV (1362-1404). (PRO 1902; reprint Nendeln/Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, 1971).
Cour=Guillemain, Bernard. La Cour pontificale d’Avignon 1309-1376: Étude d’une société (Paris: Boccard, 1966).
Cros = Daniel Williman, Letters of Pierre de Cros, Chamberlain to Pope Gregory XI (1371 - 1378). Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 356 (Tempe, Arizona, 2009).
EFR = Bibliothèques des Ecoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome, troisième série: ' Registres et lettres des papes du XIVe siècle: Grégoire XI.
France = Lettres secrètes et curiales relatives à la France, ed. L. Mirot, H. Jassemin, J. Veillard, G. Mollat, E. R. Labande (1935-1957).
autres = Lettres secrètes et curiales intéressant les pays autres que la France, ed. G. Mollat (1962-1965).
Guillemain = Bernard Guillemain, “Les chapelains d’honneur des papes d’Avignon,” Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire 64 (1952) 217-238.
Schäfer = Karl Heinrich Schäfer, “Päpstliche Ehrenkapläne aus deutschen Diözesen im vierzehnten Jahrhundert,” Römische Quartalschrift 21 (1907) 97-113.
Spoils = Daniel Williman and Karen Corsano. The Right of Spoil of the Popes of Avignon (1316 – 1415), Second edition, revised and augmented (Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2020).
VCH=Victoria County History
Zutshi, “Proctors"=Zutshi, Patrick N. R., “Proctors acting for English Petitioners in the Chancery of the Avignon Popes (1305-1378),” Journal of Ecclesiastical History 35 (1984) 15-29.
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Religious Orders
CRSA = Canonici Regulares S. Antonii = Antonines
OCarm = Ordo Carmelitarum = Carmelites
OCist = Ordo Cisterciensis = Cistercians
OClun = Ordo Cluniacensis = Cluniacs
OCSA = Ordo Canonicorum S. Augustini = Augustinian Canons
OESA = Ordo Eremitarum S. Augustini = Augustinian Hermits
OFM = Ordo Fratrum Minorum = Franciscans
OHosp = Ordo Hospitalis S. Joannis Jerusalemitani = Hospitalers
OHumil = Ordo Humiliatorum = Humiliati
OMerced = Ordo BM de Mercede Redemptionis Captivorum = Mercedarians
OP = Ordo Predicatorum = Dominicans
OPrem = Ordo Premonstratensis = Premonstratensians
OSB = Ordo S. Benedicti = Benedictines
OSC = Ordo Sancte Crucis = Crosiers
OSM = Ordo Servitorum BVM = Servites
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Entitlements and Degrees
B.Decr. = Baccalarius Decretorum
D.Decr. = Doctor Decretorum
J.U.D. = Juris Utriusque Doctor
J.U.Lic. = Licentiatus in Utroque Jure
J.U.Prof. = Juris Utriusque Professor
Lic.Decr. = Licentiatus in Decretis
LL.B. = Baccalarius Legum
LL.D. = Doctor Legum
LL.Lic. = Licentiatus in Legibus
LL.Prof. = Professor Legum
S.T.L. = Sacre Theologie Lector
S.T.M. = Magister Theologie
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Other Abbreviations
cert. = certified by
comm. = commissioner of the oath
dct. = dictus, called
eccl. = ecclesia, church
jur. = juravit, he swore
mon. = monasterii, of the monastery
par. = parochialis, parochial
perp. = perpetuus, perpetual
qd. = quondam, late
sec. = secularis, secular